A national leader in undergraduate and graduate choral studies.
UH Choirs Spring 2025 Placement Auditions
Choral placement auditions for the Spring 2025 semester will take place remotely and consists of three portions:
1.) Sight-reading 2.) Vocalize and 3.) Google form.
Details for completing these components of the audition are below.
Who Should Complete This Placement
Anyone currently singing in UH Choirs in Fall 2024 and all new or returning singers who would like to sing in Resonance, Soundscape, or Concert Chorale in Spring 2025.
Note: Students who would like to join University Chorus are not required to complete this placement, but are welcome to do so.
When Does This Placement Take Place
The next round of auditions for for Spring 2025 will be on January 10 from 10:00 am-1:00 pm. See below to sign up.

Step 1: Sign up for a virtual sight-reading evaluation and sing at your scheduled time
Appointments will take place using Microsoft Teams on January 10 from 10:00 am-1:00 pm. Sign up for a time slot below. If you're on mobile and cannot see the sign-up box try switching to desktop view.
Step 2: Record Your Vocalize
Record an audio recording of yourself vocalizing with the appropriate voice track below. When it gets too low or too high, drop out. It MUST be an audio file (ex. .mp3, .m4a) and no larger than 10MB. We recommend recording with "Voice Memos" if you have an IOS device.
Soprano/Alto Track:
Tenor/Bass Track:
When you have finished recording, double check your work to make sure you and the vocalization track can be heard. If the sound quality is poor, try adjusting your microphone placement, or recording with a different device.
Step 3: Fill out Google Form
1. Fill out the following Google Form. This is where you will upload your vocalize. Submit the form any time prior to your sight reading audition.
If you would like to audition but are unavailable during the offered time slots, or have any other questions about the audition process, please contact Dr. DeSpain at kedespain@uh.edu
Optional Step 4: Only For Those Registering Through Community Arts Academy (not for credit)
1. Complete the registration form to sign up through Community Arts Academy (form will begin accepting responses on Nov. 6)
2. Once the registration form has been received and placement confirmed (if an audition was requested) you will receive an invoice for the $50 registration fee.
Auditioned Choral Ensembles
Concert Chorale (MUSI 1122)
Meets MWF 2:00 - 3:20 pm
Mixed voices
Open by successful audition and prior participation in a UH Choir
Soundscape (MUSI 1121)
Meets MW 4:00 - 5:20 pm
Soprano/Alto voices
Open by successful audition
Optional non-credit registration through CAA
Resonance (MUSI 1121)
Meets TTH 11:30 - 12:50 pm
Tenor/Bass voices
Open by successful audition
Optional non-credit registration through CAA
Non-Auditioned Choral Ensembles
University Chorus (MUSI 1120)
Meets TTH 2:30 - 3:50 pm
Open to all singers without audition
Optional non-credit registration through CAA
Email Mr. Franco Basili (fbasili@uh.edu) for more information